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Linear Dreams just a thought

Here's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Linear dreams don't exist. None of my dreams have...

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The Pause: Just a Thought just a thought

This week's posts have been all about the power of the pause. Earlier this week we discussed the...

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Masks just a thought

With Halloween around the corner, I've had masks on my mind. I've always loved a fun costume...

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Love Your Path just a thought

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up each morning and do the thing it is you do?...

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Making Risk Possible just a thought

Risk is a common theme in my posts. But I get it. Taking a risk can be scary. It can make...

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Lazy just a thought

A loaded word for sure, lazy means different things to different people.

We may have been...

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The Sum & The Parts just a thought

When you add it all up...

...a win is up to you, creativity is a choice, and...

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Childhood Fall just a thought

It's my favorite season. Happy Fall!

Growing up in a small rural Midwestern town,...

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Time to Celebrate just a thought

When we pooh pooh our small successes we miss out on the joy of the process.

By not...

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A Thought Is just a thought

A thought is... yet not us...

...clear yet cloudy... yet inactive...


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